Overview of the Development of Electrical Contact Materials Industry
Electrical contact materials are the functional carriers for electrical appliances to
complete the "turn-on conduction turn off" current and signal generation and transmission.
Their electrical contact performance is the key to affecting the reliability of electrical and electronic engineering.
They are known as the "heart of low-voltage electrical appliances" in the field of low-voltage electrical appliances
and are widely used in industrial control products such as relays, circuit breakers, contactors, sensors, etc.
Traditional low-voltage electrical contact materials are precious metal alloys such as Ag,Au, Pt, and their composites,
which have high costs, poor wear resistance, and short service life.
Today's low-voltage electrical contact materials are mainly silver based alloys, such as AgSnO2, AgNi, AgCdO, AgW, AgC, etc.
The most widely used is the "universal electrical contact material" - AgCdO,
which is gradually being replaced by AgSnOIn2O3 due to its toxicity due to its toxicity.